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Stop Yelling font素材之家精选英文字体

上传:  |  来源:素材之家 53326.com   |  热度:

Stop Yelling font插图Stop Yelling font插图1


A non aggressive font of well done caps done with a liner brush and ink, it have complete punctuation and numbers and it’s incredibly easy to read. For English, German, Spanish, French, Norwegian, Portuguese, Slovenian and anything in between. Lower cases are totally different and you’ll even find the randomized characters option for a superb result on text blocks or simple lines.

STOP YELLING! is for personal use ONLY. If you make money from using it, please purchase a commercial license. STOP YELLING! free use is granted for personal projects, non-profit and charity. Please have the moment to contact the author and ALWAYS consider to give full credit: it really helps!

You may not sell STOP YELLING!. If distributed for free, please include this text.


所属分类 英文字体


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