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复古文字效果&复古纹理素材包 Retro Typography Graphic Styles

上传:goodman  |  来源:素材库 53326.com   |  热度:

这是一个复古文字效果&复古纹理素材包,内含185种不同的风格,30+纹理和一些非常使用的 PS 笔刷,是设计师设计复古要素方案是好帮手。

内含 :

  • 1 Adobe Ilustrator .ai library file with 185 graphic style (styles apply to the font size 38 pt, after applying a style to the text in the panel include transformation check “scale strokes and effects” – it’s make the properly scaled effects)
  • 1 Adobe Ilustrator .ai library file with 40+ textures and gradients
  • 1 Adobe Ilustrator .ai library file with 6 brushes
  • 1 Adobe Ilustrator .ai sample files with of textures, gradients and brushes
  • 1 Adobe Ilustrator .ai sample files with all graphic styles applied to text for fast start of work (just change the letter with style on your text). In this file is used by free font Cooper Hewitt size of 38 pt.Light / medium / bold – this font don’t included in collection.
  • 12 Examples Jpeg with some graphic styles for inspirations

复古文字效果&复古纹理素材包 Retro Typography Graphic Styles插图

复古文字效果&复古纹理素材包 Retro Typography Graphic Styles插图(1)

复古文字效果&复古纹理素材包 Retro Typography Graphic Styles插图(2)

复古文字效果&复古纹理素材包 Retro Typography Graphic Styles插图(3)

复古文字效果&复古纹理素材包 Retro Typography Graphic Styles插图(4)

复古文字效果&复古纹理素材包 Retro Typography Graphic Styles插图(5)

复古文字效果&复古纹理素材包 Retro Typography Graphic Styles插图(6)

复古文字效果&复古纹理素材包 Retro Typography Graphic Styles插图(7)

复古文字效果&复古纹理素材包 Retro Typography Graphic Styles插图(8)

复古文字效果&复古纹理素材包 Retro Typography Graphic Styles插图(9)

复古文字效果&复古纹理素材包 Retro Typography Graphic Styles插图(10)

复古文字效果&复古纹理素材包 Retro Typography Graphic Styles插图(11)

复古文字效果&复古纹理素材包 Retro Typography Graphic Styles插图(12)

复古文字效果&复古纹理素材包 Retro Typography Graphic Styles插图(13)

所属分类 PS样式


素材大小 16.23MB

需要积分 200 积分 (VIP免积分) | 开通VIP或充值
